
Teklas Employee Value Proposition

We have just released a brand for Employee Value Proposition, and we think you’re going to love it. We’re thrilled to finally share this with you: Make an Impact Through Ideas!

When we were building Teklas EVP, we consider to have a better understanding of employees; enhance engagement; improve attraction and retention for our talent or potential talent! It is an expression about the unique experience of working at TEKLAS.

At the same time meanwhile we based on our current behaviors as Teklas Employee. As Teklas Employee, we make an impact through sustainable business, workforce, ecosystem, communication to the future!

Within the scope of Sustainable Business, we reduce negative environmental, economic, and social impact resulting from our operations in the market; we consider an environmental, economic, and social factors when making business decisions; we monitor the impact of our operations to ensure that short-term profits don’t turn into long-term liabilities.

Within the scope of Sustainable Workforce, we provide a work environment that looks after our employees and cares about health and wellbeing; we work hard, achieve success, celebrate together; we believe that all these are possible only with the community in wellbeing.

Within the scope of Sustainable Ecosystem; we meet the needs of our present employees and our future employees, without any assistance from outside; Our ecosystems cannot be sustained within unstable bounds; We believe in the importance of a self-sustaining system and strive to meet the needs of our employees and potential employees.

Within the scope of Sustainable Communication, we engage our employees, customers and suppliers in order to showcase the progress on our sustainability commitments; the supply chain cycle we live in, empowers us and it is communication that builds this cycle.

We, Teklas employees, make an impact through ideas and work with those who make an impact through ideas!


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